Mars Thomas

Mars Thomas comes from a rural area of Little Rock, Arkansas. They are currently a senior at Kansas City Art Institute, studying Illustration. Both digital and traditional methods are used in their current studio practice and they have recently become more interested in oil painting. Their skills range from semi-realism to more stylized creature features; their style leans into painterly and rendered visuals. They have a great admiration for the fantasy genre and it has bled into their work over the years, along with an interest in speculative biology. This year, they have been working on their monster science thesis, where they come up with a creature and then pick it apart piece by piece to create scientific explanations for the monster’s attributes and biology. The end goal of their thesis is to have several environmental paintings of these monsters. An ideal job for them would be working for a tabletop role playing game company or freelancing as a monster designer. It is easy for them to learn on the job, as they love problem solving for efficient solutions and they are not afraid to jump into new methods, jobs, or situations. If they are interested in something, they will work to figure it out and research the necessary information and resources.

Email: marsmantisart@

Instagram: @marsmantis