ILLUSTRATION NOW 2013 is just over a week away and we couldn't be more excited! Between the ILLUSTRATION NOW show next weekend, The Harvest Internship Event on December 12 and all the work the students are finishing up before the winter break, the studios are buzzing!
Since the exhibition space within our department is somewhat small, we decided to keep this show simple and manageable. 38 students (out of 102) were selected by full-time faculty and invited to submit up to 3 pieces for consideration in the show. Once all the pieces were submitted, one piece per student was chosen.
Since the show is almost a week away, we thought we'd post a little preview of some of the work that will be in the show. Check it out!
Lamya Al Douri • Hilawaa (Beauty) , graphite, digital, 2013, $75 framed
Kelsey Borcherding • Sketch #118, gouache, 2013, $150 framed original
Salvador Carrasco • Eschaton, digital, 2013, $75 framed
Kim Chapman • Walk My Dog, 2013, digital, 2012, $60 framed, $30 unframed
Katherine Dodson • The Jungle Book, ink on board, 2013, $245 framed
Austin Gober • Just Numbers, acrylic and ink, 2013, $450
Angelita Medina Gonzales • Kishi Bashi, mixed media, 2013, $65 framed, $25 unframed
Phil Hernandez • Funkadelic, digital, 2013, $60 framed, $30 unframed
Emma Jennings • Untitled, graphite on paper, 2013, $350 framed
Kristopher Martin • Crow Mother of Country Club Drive, ink, acrylic, mixed media, 2013, $200 framed
Suzanne Nelson • Face Assemblage, mixed media, $275 / prints $45
Purps Percival • Kintsukuroi, watercolor and ink, 2013, $125
Brittany Plachecki • Blasphemy, digital, 2013, $50 framed, $20 unframed
Tara Raweewon • V---- d- M---, digital, 2013, $65 framed
Carrie Riehl • Tractor Ride, oil on canvas, 2013, $400
Jacob Robinson • The Transfiguration of Horselover Fat (Vast Active Living Intelligence Systems), mixed media + digital, 2013, $70 framed, $40 unframed
Rosemarie Ruzicka • Fox In Snow, silkscreen, 2011, $150 framed
This piece was a part of Illustrators 55, a juried exhibition on display at the Museum of American Illustration at the Society of Illustrators in New York, January 2013.
Patti Ryland • Streptococcalroach, digital painting, 2013, $65 framed
Brantly Sheffield • Outfield, oil on masonite, 2013, $400
R.T. Smith • 400 Funerals, acrylic, watercolor, digital, 2013, $75 framed
Coleman Stampley • Rise and Fall, digital, 2013, $70 framed, $40 unframed
Clinton Walker • Artist's Block, ink and digital, 2013, $60 framed, $25 unframed
Allison Welter • Hindu Demon Mask, cut paper, 2013, $20 unframed print
Kelsey Wroten • Monster Mash, ink and digital on paper, 2013, $70 framed, $35 unframed
David White • It'sa Mario, cut paper and spray paint, 2013, $200
We will be posting additional work in the next few days. Stay tuned!
Patron Preview Night
This is a ticketed event; Students, Faculty, and Patrons Welcome
Thursday, December 5th from 6 to 9 PM
For ticket information, visit
End of Semester Show
FREE and open to the public
Friday, December 6th, Opening Reception from 5 to 7 PM; Weekend Hours: Saturday, December 7th from 10 AM to 5 PM, Sunday, December 8th from 12 to 5 PM
The Flex Space Gallery • KCAI Illustration Building, 324 East 43rd Street KCMO (Street parking is available)