Covers and Pages is a junior-level sequential storytelling course in which illustration students are encouraged to tell short, sequential, visual narratives. Oftentimes these narratives are without text, so the narratives rely exclusively on visuals as a means to tell the story.
Every spring, assistant professor Maura Cluthe and instructor Hector Casanova compile and curate the content for the anthology. The covers, however, are judged by various comic book artists from the Kansas City Community. This year, we were lucky enough to have John Bergin and Steven Sanders stop by and jury the covers this year. What an honor!
Steven Sanders and John Bergin
Potential covers for the anthology, KCAI juniors, 2015
Steven and John graciously joined us one evening in February to jury the covers. With 35 students in the junior class, there were plenty of great covers to choose from. After a few hours of deliberation, Steve and John narrowed it down to 8 covers and then narrowed it down again to these final 4. For the final anthology, we'll be printing 2 separate books with 4 different covers but the content within the two books will be the same.
Please join me in congratulating Karolina Akimov, Jessica Becker, Slimm Fabert and Cynthia Walpole, whose work will be on the covers of the 2015 Covers & Pages Anthology! Congratulations, too, to runners-up Zoe Chressanthis, Alison Polston, Baldemar Rivas and Leena Toone! Congratulations all!
Karolina Akimov
Jessica Becker
Slimm Fabert
Cynthia Walpole
Zoe Chressanthis
Alison Polston
Baldemar Rivas
Leena Toone
BIG THANKS to Steven Sanders and John Bergin for taking time out of their busy schedules to stop by, jury the covers and spend an evening with us. We really appreciate it!