Every year the Society of Illustrators puts out a call for entry for their highly competitive Student Competition. Students from across the country enter; this year just over 2300 students submitted work but only 220 of them were chosen for inclusion in the show. 78 schools from across the country are represented in this year's exhibition. We are extremely proud of our students and proud to be one of the schools represented in this show.
All of the pieces below will be on display at the Museum of American Illustration in New York, NY from May 9 - June 3 with an opening reception and awards ceremony on Friday, May 5, 2015.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the 2017 winners! We're so proud of you!!
Alison Polston, '16 / alisonpolston.com
Steven Javon Bolds, senior / stevenjavon.tumblr.com
Shafer Brown, senior / www.shaferbrown.com
Willow Hardman, sophomore / willowhardman.daportfolio.com
Allason Lewis, senior / allasonlewis.com
Coti Meier, senior / www.cotimeier.com
Lauren Seider, senior / yellowraincoatsociety.com