We are excited to announce the selected covers for the 2020 Covers + Pages Anthology! Covers + Pages is a junior level sequential narrative class. Every year we print an anthology of the strongest sequential work from the class and every year we invite two comic book illustrators, writers or editors to jury the covers. BIG THANKS to our wonderful jurors Buster Moody and Baldemar Rivas for generously giving their time and insight. We greatly appreciate it! Although we typically get together with our jurors in person, because of COVID-19 and the quarantine we made all of the student images available to our them so that they could view them and vote on the final covers remotely. Once they’d had a chance to look at everything, we met with them remotely and discussed the work.
After much discussion, Buster and Baldemar picked SIX final covers and EIGHT runners-up this year. We are proud to showcase them here. Congratulations all!!
Skylar Courtney
Ella Denson-Redding
Natalie Kolega
Seth Peters
Maia Fischer-Walter
Riley Woolworth
Clockwise, from top left: Kristina Duckson, Hayden Gough, JT Schroff and Bryn Dougherty
Clockwise, from top left: Tyler Pickert, Paige McIntosh, Parker Story and Van Asbeck
Thanks again to Buster and Baldemar for jurying our covers this year! We’ll be printing the anthology soon so stay tuned!